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Old School Craftsman Goes New School with New Technologies

It’s sort of funny when you have a name like “Old School Craftsman,” people are always a little surprised when you use new technology on the job. Sometimes I think people have this idea of me as a weathered old carpenter who only uses tools and technologies that were available a hundred years ago or more. They think that to truly be “old school” you have to ignore the advancements made in the last century. 

Finishing Touches for Custom Homes

It occurs to me that often, in life, it is the little things that make all the difference. That is especially true in the life of a custom home contractor like myself. People entrust me with the health and beauty of their homes, and that is not something that I take lightly. It's a big responsibility.  

Old School Craftsman’s New Shop

If you are a long-time friend of the Old School Craftsman team, then you know that it has been one of our greatest ambitions to build a customized shop on our property for years. In 2023, that dream finally took its first steps towards being realized as Brendon, Trish, and I broke ground on the workshop.  

You may have seen our workshop update post from a few months ago. We are excited to announce that the workshop is now complete, and I have to say, it turned out better than expected.  

Meet the Master Craftsman

My name is Brent W. Sears and I am the master craftsman at Old School Craftsman. Together with my son and apprentice Brendon, and my wife Trish, we make up the Old School Craftsman team.

Over the years, many of my clients, friends, and partners have asked me about my career as a craftsman. I love to reminisce about my favorite projects, but there is only so much time in a day! I wanted to set aside some time to write down some of my experiences and my journey from my first projects to becoming the master craftsman I am today.  

Roof being built. The text reads, "How Architects and Builders Work Together on Home Remodels"

If you know the Old School Craftsman team, then you know we think that every project we do is a work of art. At the same time, the process of building is sort of like a team sport. From start to finish, a new project requires a strong vision and a chain of craftsmen who can execute that vision. It's a delicate process, and if you hold yourself to the highest of standards (I do), then you only work with team members that you trust.  

Elevating a Home with a Dream Sunroom and Porch

At Old School Craftsman, we believe that there is nothing more important than making your home a place that is uniquely yours. What that means is different for every homeowner. Some want large-scale remodels that completely transform their homes and others want modest but profound upgrades that improve their standard of living and add an extra touch of charm to their living space.

Two men smiling. The text reads, "Old School Craftsman at the Wyoming Fall Festival"

If you know the Old School Craftsman team, then you know that we love Wyoming, Ohio. A small town located north of Cincinnati, Wyoming is a place for family, fun, good food, and local culture.  

We have done projects in Wyoming before, including the Victorian Porch Restoration, and were pleased by the number of townsfolks who stopped by to ask questions and discuss the project.  

The Old School Craftsman's Workshop

In the ever-evolving world of craftsmanship, constant innovation and adaptation are paramount for success. That's why Old School Craftsman is thrilled to share an exciting update on our new workshop. 

The Role Historical Societies Play in Restoring and Maintaining Old Homes

Buildings and structures all across America carry the history of our nation and culture. These buildings tell a story about our past and were built with techniques that are no longer considered useful due to the evolution of construction technology. However, even though these structures were built using now-out dated construction methods, they hold beauty and intricacy that even the highest quality homes and buildings of today struggle to match. 

Restoring Century-Old Homes: 5 Factors to Consider

When looking back at home architecture over the last one hundred-plus years, there are few homes more beautiful than those built around the turn of the century. 

These homes were built around 1900, a time fraught with conflict, innovation, and expanding industrialization. The availability of mass-produced home materials and recently built railroad lines meant that easily replicated styles became popular, contributing to designs that still hold great beauty today. 

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